49 Illinois Street, Buffalo, NY 14203
$25 Advance Purchase
$25 Day of Show
Doors Open:
Show Starts: 5:30 PM
Join us for the third annual Kevin Hays Memorial Scholarship Event on May 7th, 2024 at Buffalo Iron Works from 5:30pm – 8:30pm!
ULI Western New York was pleased in 2022 to announce the launch of the Kevin Hays Memorial Scholarship. ULI Western New York will annually award one student from the University at Buffalo’s Master of Science in Real Estate Development Program with a scholarship to attend the ULI Fall Meeting. The 2024 Fall meeting will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada from October 28th to October 30th, 2024. This Year’s recipient of the scholarship will be announced at the second annual ULI Western New York Kevin Hays Memorial Scholarship Event, which will be held on Tuesday, May 7th at Buffalo Iron Works from 5:30 to 8:30 PM.
Who is Kevin Hays?
This scholarship honors Kevin Hays, one of the original founding members of ULI Western New York’s Young Leader’s Group and an alumnus of the University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning. Kevin was an active member of Western New York’s real estate development community as Director of Development at Savarino Companies. In 2014, he was diagnosed with colorectal cancer at the age of 28 years old. In the time since his diagnosis, he became a leader in the nation of allies battling colon cancer, serving for many years on both the Buffalo Walk to End Colon Cancer Engagement Committee, a Western New York Board Member of the American Cancer Society, and the national Never Too Young Advisory Board. Kevin used his talents as a messenger and his media savvy to secure many impactful news stories about colorectal cancer. In 2019, he received the 40 Under 40 in Cancer award for his advocacy about young onset colorectal cancer. Known for his mischievous sense of humor, humility, and warmth, he inspired each of us to be the best advocates we can be. Kevin also went on to create his own nonprofit organization, Buffalo Colon Corps. (See below for more information about the Buffalo Colon Corps). Kevin passed away in 2021 at the age of 36 following his lengthy battle with colorectal cancer.
The Kevin Hays Scholarship
The Kevin Hays Scholarship is designed to honor Kevin’s legacy and promote the participation of University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning students at ULI’s annual Fall Meeting. The scholarship also aims to elevate leadership and professional development opportunities in the ULI New York District Council. The 2024 ULI Western New York Kevin Hays Scholarship includes complimentary registration to the ULI 2024 Fall Meeting in Las Vegas and reimbursement of pre-approved out-of-pocket transportation and/or lodging expenses to attend the Meeting. Each scholarship recipient will attend as many events as possible at the ULI 2024 Fall Meeting. Scholarship recipients will be selected based on merit and need. In addition to Each scholarship recipient will attend all possible ULI-branded events at the Fall Meeting. Following the Fall ULI Meeting, each scholarship recipient will be invited to share their experience with the ULI Western New York steering committee and will be a guest at ULI’s next annual scholarship fundraising event.
Challenge Grant and First Annual Kevin Hays Scholarship Event on May 7, 2024.
If you would like to contribute to the Scholarship Fund, please follow these instructions:
· Mail: Please make checks payable to the “ULI Foundation”. Please include “Kevin Hays Memorial Scholarship ULI NY” on the “Memo Line” of the check. Gifts can be credited on the date of the USPS postmark.
ULI Foundation
PO Box 418374
Boston, MA 02241-8374
· Online: Donations are accepted online by visiting the Foundation webpage
· Go to https://foundation.uli.org/
· Select the gift amount
· Under the options section, check the box that says “Designate my donation to specific program(s) or District Councils.
· When you check that box, a submenu will pop up with two options. Select “District Councils” and select “ULI-New York”
· Under the options section, check the box that says “Designate my donation” and note that the donation is in honor of the Kevin Hays Scholarship
· Input the donor information and payment method
Buffalo Colon Corps
The Buffalo Colon Corps is a local nonprofit organization that Kevin founded in 2017. It was Kevin’s hope to provide valuable education, programs, and resources to those impacted by colorectal cancer in WNY, particularly those in disadvantaged communities and those diagnosed under the age of 45.
Colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer in men and women in the United States and the second leading cause of cancer death despite being one of the most preventable and treatable cancers with proper screening. The aim of Buffalo Colon Corps is to drastically reduce colorectal health concerns through collaborative and innovative strategies. BCC is also developing connections within the colorectal patient and caregiver community to facilitate knowledge of and access to support networks and resources already available by improving the reach and effectiveness of established resources.
Buffalo Iron Works
49 Illinois St Buffalo, NY 14203
Event: 5:30pm – 8:30pm
Tickets: $25.00